Gravitational Deflection
of Light and Microwaves
1) |
of Light Rays in Solar Plasma Rim |
2) |
Gauss's Law applied
to Impact Parameter from Solar Rim out to Multiple Solar Radii |
3) |
Shapiro Delay; a
Frequency Dependent Transit Time Effect due to solar wind and
plasma |
4) |
Angular Deflection of
All Electromagnetic Waves are observed only at the solar plasma limb |
5) |
A M�sbauer-Pound
Rebka Model for gravitational potential gradient found to be in
consistency with an indirectly interacting
gravitational-electromagnetism light deflection model |
(as Mom used to say a
picture is worth 1000 words)

The gravitational deflection of
light and microwaves propagate along a |
least time
or minimum energy
path only at the plasma-rim of the
sun |
exposed to the gravitational
gradient field of the sun.

Gauss's Law applied to Impact Parameter
of Gravitational Deflected Rays |
from the Solar Plasma
Rim to
Multiple Solar Radii above the Rim |
Shapiro Delay, found to
be a Frequency Dependent Transit Time Effect due
to the resonance of microwaves with the solar wind electrons and plasma Nothing at all to
with the Space Time Effect of General Relativity |
All microwaves are observed to deflect by the angle of 1.75 arsecs only
at the thin plasma limb of
the sun
All microwaves are subjected to both a frequency
and an impact parameter dependent transit time

A Model for the
M�sbauer Effect / Pound-Rebka Experiment |
consistency where a gravitational potential gradient |
acts directly on the 57Fe
source and the absorber or the instrument,
but not on the
emitted electromagnetic radiation or photon
observational evidence in Astrophysics clearly shows that if the light bending rule of General
Relativity were actually valid, then the following would be the
star-abundant skies would be
filled with images of Einstein rings
At high
impact parameters far above the plasma rim of the stars,
observations of deep space would be totally denied to all
modern Astronomy
space images of the skies due to gravitational
lensing effects, would be completely blurred
to all modern astronomy
The sought after Modified Newtonian Dynamics
(MOND) or simply put, the modification of Newton's law
and/or General Relativity, in the attempt to satisfactorily explain the prevailing observations pertaining to
the subject matters of gravitational
lensing and the so-called dark matter
would be totally unnecessary
These findings are clearly supported by the observational evidence. |